Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Since I ventured down to Kentucky to take care of some accounts, it fell to Will to help mom take Sean to the cardiologist for an update. Ohhhh, I feel bad for Will since the appointment and the drive to and from Akron ended up being a 6 hour trek.
Thank you Will.

Looks like things are progressing with Sean. He does have some fluid where fluid shouldn't be, so they are bumping up one of his meds to help dissipate the fluid. His fever may be normal at this point, so they are not worried about that. His number registered 68 for O2, but again, the doctors are saying not to worry about that, it will come up.

Tommorrow, Dawn goes back to meet with the surgeons to have his surgi-strips removed. For Sean, having a band-aid removed is worse than a needle. As an aside, Will was showing a "boo-boo" on his hand to Sean, and of all the "boo-boos" Sean could use to compare, he choose a little scratch on his hand.

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