Sunday, September 13, 2009


Will and I went to the hospital after church. While there Sean was still in a mellow mood , and in fact would start to cry when a nurse or doctor would come in and just look at his 'wires'-and did so when I looked at them. We came to find out he was not being given Tylenol unless we asked (didn't get that memo), so we got him juiced on a little Tylenol and that seemed to help. A resident also removed one of his smaller tubes held by two stitches which should help him feel a little better. That was done after a shot of morphine.

One doctor did come in to check on Sean who looked like his aunt Mona, and that went ok. The thicker accent threw him a bit, but I think he still found her familiar. His O2 levels are still in the mid 70's, but all the doctors seem to think this will improve over time. We pray so.

1 comment:

LifeWithTheFerrells said...

I am bringing supper tomorrow on my way to work so it will be around 1100 OK. I hope that is OK! I also have a meal coming on Thursday and also Friday. I am working on one more day this week and next week. You let me know if you want the following week, there are plenty of people that want to help you!
Praying for Sean! I would love to come up and see him on Tues if that works out for you guys. Let me know. I have a little bag that the girls made up for him!

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