Monday, August 4, 2008

What's in that head of yours?

One of the things we are learning in this adoption process is, what's going on in that little head of Sean's. I could say the same about Will and Liz, but I have complete context with them; I've watched how they have developed. I am following another blog from a family we met in China, who has a daughter just a few months older than Sean. When th emom reported that dad went back to work and came home at the end of the day, the daughter was very upset and really wouldn't talk or look at dad for a little while-he was gone only 8 hours or so.

I went away last week for three days, and when I came home Sean hugged me and went about his regular business. Not that I'm complaining, but was he glad to see me, or do I represent just another care worker in his life that comes and goes?

Today, I went out to the car to put the car seat in another car. Sean was upset when I did this though he could watch me from the door. I came in, gathered my stuff, told everyone good bye, and headed out the door for work and will be gone all week. Again, he was upset he wasn't coming. Also, when Will and I went out this morning, Sean watched through the door and cried. So, I think he is more upset at the fact he doesn't get to come outside, or that he doesn't get to come along. We have learned he is a boy that really enjoys being outside.

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