Sunday, August 17, 2008


Taken in Northern Michigan last week, near Alpena, Mi.


Mom Keena said...

I met a gal yesterday at our church picnic that is in the process of adopting from China. They have been "offered" (is that the correct term?) a special needs toddler, I think. I gave her your blog address, so she can look in on you, and see how things are going for you. So if you hear from someone you don't really know, it may be her. And of course, I've forgotten her name. I only met about 37 people at the picnic yesterday!

Gary said...

For some people, offered may not be to off base. There are families, like we were, who are waiting for that "normal" child. I can't cast blame since I was also waiting for that normal child. However, I got to correct my first choice and don't regret it. Now, I want to encourage people to go special needs because 1. "Normal" children are becoming rare. The Chinese are able to adopt their own. 2. I've found that many kids labeled "special needs" really aren't that bad. I think we sometimes picture mangled, deformed kids, and that's not the case.
If you talk to her again, feel free to give her our number. Always glad to talk about it.

Gary said...

For some people, offered may not be to off base. There are families, like we were, who are waiting for that "normal" child. I can't cast blame since I was also waiting for that normal child. However, I got to correct my first choice and don't regret it. Now, I want to encourage people to go special needs because 1. "Normal" children are becoming rare. The Chinese are able to adopt their own. 2. I've found that many kids labeled "special needs" really aren't that bad. I think we sometimes picture mangled, deformed kids, and that's not the case.
If you talk to her again, feel free to give her our number. Always glad to talk about it.

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