Sunday, July 6, 2008

Ground Zero

Well, we're all in Gaungzhou, China. We've been hitting the "tourism bit" pretty hard the last two days, and it finally caught up to us a little but. We slept in and didn't leave the hotel until around 12:00 pm and headed straight to the train station for a two hour ride north into Guangzhou. We sat next to a German man named Dieter, who has started his own business after working for someone else in the automotive business. He is here looking to see who will make parts for his business the most cost effective way. He was a very nice man and I wish him well in his new business.

I will try and put some thoughts together on what we saw as we rode here later, but I did finding myself wishing I was a writer so I could put what I see with my eyes and feel in my heart in an understandable way. Suffice it to say, you know when you flip over any product you buy and see the 'Made in China'; well, we are in the province that all that stuff is made-the production capital of the world. More on that later.

We are getting settled into our small room we will call home for 11 days now. Pray we have patience with each other and make this small space work. We are technically on an island in Guangzhou, called Shimian Island, built by the British after they defeated the Chinese in a war in the 1800's. I'll have to get the specefics later. Anyway, for many years now, it is become the Ellis Island for parents adopting Chinese kids. You have to go through this province before you go home to America-it is usually the last stop for many people. We went from being one of only several couples I personally know to being part of a big club here. Every white person I see is walking around with a Chinese child. And they're not always American. So far we have also heard some French people here too.

Well, I'll end here for now other than to say, we get Sean tomorrow (Monday) at 2-3:00 pm our time. Pictures to follow. We covet your prayers.


studiosmith said...

What a journey. I am amazed you have found time to blog while you are there. You have made it so real for all of us following your journey and praying for you. Know Janel and I are there in prayer for sure. I hope tomorrow especally you feel God in real ways, and feeling His peace and love. To your whole family, who look great in that shot over the city you took - God bless you guys.

LifeWithTheFerrells said...

We will be in prayer for you. Praying that God prepares Sean's heart for your meeting tomorrow, praying for Sean's health, and an easy transition. God bless you guys, you are almost a family of 5! How exciting!

Gary said...

To Barry,
It means a lot knowing you are praying and joining us on this trip. Today is the day and we are anxious, nervous, getting excited, full of questions with no answers, and ready.

Gary said...

To the Ferrel family,

We ate at Lucy's last night. Sitting there, it struck me how other people we know have come through this place, and it's so far from Wooster. A little bizarre hearing Brittany Spears playing on the sound system...yet I think a lot of these girls want to be like her. Wierd...

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